The Donut Family
Holtman’s Donuts began in May of 1960 when Charles Holtman opened his first shop in Newtown, Ohio. Charles, along with his brother Roger started the business to provide their father, Marvin, a steady job. Marvin had lost his job as a milk man when grocery stores started emerging and selling milk. Within a couple years the donut shop in Newtown did so well that Charles was able to buy his first electric mixer. In 1964, due to the growing popularity, Marvin opened up a second location in Milford.
In the early sixties, after seeing the success of the two shops, family members were able to open multiple locations in the greater Cincinnati area.
After years in business, Charles decided to move his family to Florida while his father and brother managed the shops back in Ohio. During their time in Florida, Charles and his wife Shirley opened up Shirley’s Donut Shop which was very successful.
Charles and his family decided to move back to Ohio to take back over the Holtman’s Donuts shops. Around 1992, Charles started talking to his children about buying the shop from him. It wasn’t until 1995 that he finally talked Toni, one of his daughters, into leasing the shop to buy. In October of 2007, Charles passed away leaving his legacy to Toni. With the growing success in Loveland, Toni and Chuck opened a second location in Williamsburg, Ohio in October of 2009.
For years, Toni and Chuck, along with their three children, Becky, Lorrie, and Danny operated the family business. Danny and his wife, Katie, opened the Over the Rhine Shop in September 2013, West Chester in 2017, and Oakley in 2020. Keeping with tradition, the donuts are still made fresh and from scratch on a daily basis.